
The wave of megafires since 2018 in northern California has led to new interest in emergency management communications using radios. This is because amateur radio systems have long been able to function completely independently of internet and cellphone systems, a feature that is useful during wildfire and other disasters when communications towers may go down.  ...
SSCRA is helping private residents in the Cobb Area clear defensible space around their homes and along access routes (driveways and property roads) through a three-year Fire Prevention grant from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) under the 2018 California Climate Investment Fire Protection Grant Program.
Twice a year, SSCRA helps produce a community fire safety workshop series to help area residents learn about and maintain preparations for wildfire. These events have become known countywide as unique occasions for neighbors to learn and talk with one another about goals and actions they can take to keep each other safe.
SSCRA was the first organization to bring a screening of this award-winning documentary to Lake County, and the first presenter in the country to organize a pre-event reception for county and nonprofit agencies in association with the occasion as well as a post-event discussion panel.
“What have been the effects on planning and mitigation in the communities affected by wildfire in recent years?” “Could you talk about the demographics of the people affected and how many homes have been rebuilt?” These were just two of the questions posed to my Executive Director and I this morning in an interview with...