While these fires will continue to happen, there are things you can do to protect your home and neighborhood as well as your family’s safety. If you live or own property within the boundaries shown on our map, then the Loch Lomond Firewise Community is here to help you get started. Loch Lomond Firewise Community (LLFC) has been recognized by Firewise USA®.
We’re a group of volunteers in the Loch Lomond Subdivisions addressing identified fire risks confronting the community and developing actions to mitigate those risks. The make-up of our organization is residents and other key partners such as South Lake Fire District, Cobb Area Firewise organizations, Lake County Fire Safe Councils, local forestry agencies and CalFire. We have partnered with Seigler Springs Community Redevelopment Agency (SSCRA) as our fiscal sponsor to provide fiscal oversight and to umbrella this community organization under a 501(C)(3) non-profit status.
We collaborate with local wildfire experts to complete a Community Fire Risk Assessment document that needs updating at a minimum every 5 years. This assessment is completed by a trained group of fire experts and approved by Firewise USA.
We will use the risk assessment to create a three-year action plan, broken down by year, that identifies and prioritizes actions to reduce ignition risk to homes. These can include communitywide investments along with suggested homeowner actions and education activities that participants will strive to complete annually, or over a period of multiple years. This document is updated at least every three years and is also approved by Firewise USA. As circumstances change (e.g., completing activities, experiencing a fire or a natural disaster, new construction in community, etc.), the action plan may need to be updated more frequently. We continually seek grant funding to address our major fire risks from a long-term perspective/major impact, such as a fuel break surrounding the entire subdivision.